Chair Sustainable Development

The Chair of Political Science with a focus on sustainable development was established in November 2016. The empirical-analytical policy field research related to current and future problems of the governance of sustainability is the focus of the chair's activities. Amongst others, political processes of bioeconomy policy, climate policy, environmental policy and sustainable regional development are researched. This includes the linkage to current concepts of sustainability reserach. Another special focus of the research is the question of how knowledge transfer and policy advisory systems must be designed in order to promote political change towards sustainable development. Concepts of sustainability research such as interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity as well as the idea of "transformative science" and its promises are critically examined from a political science perspective. The medium and long-term objective of the professorship's research is to develop a specific political science research approach to sustainable development.



Prof. Dr. Michael Böcher

Room: G40-310

+49 391 67-56585

Office hours: Dienstag 13-14 Uhr (bitte Voranmeldung per e-mail)

Research Associate

Juliana Hilf

Room: G40-309

+49 391 67-56673

Office hours: by arrangement via e-mail

Research Associate Project KnowGlobal

Dr. Maria Enow Ayuk

Room: G40-309

Research Associate

M.A. Nicolas Spohn

Room: G40-312

+49 391 67-56680

Office hours: Dienstag und Mittwoch von 11:00 bis 15:00 Uhr (bitte Voranmeldung per Email)

Research Associate Project Erfolg Klima Go!

M.A. Sarah Schmitt

Room: G40-309

+49 391 67-56680

Student Assistant project SENATRA

Josephine Schindowski

External Fellow

Dr. Richard Sufo

External doctoral candidate

Isaac Mapingure

Working title of the dissertation:
Governance of wildlife-based ecosystem
goods and services in semi-arid
savannah environments: perspectives from

External doctoral candidate

Mathias Bethke

Working title of the dissertation:
Die Religionspolitik im mehrheitlich konfessionslosen Lutherland
Sachsen-Anhalt seit der Wiedervereinigung - eine Politikfeldanalyse

External doctoral candidate, DBU scholarship holder

Fabian Pröbstl

Working title of the dissertation:
Von globalen Zielen in den Gemeinderat und zurück
- Die Rolle sub-nationaler Regierungsebenen für
die vertikale Politikintegration von Biodiversität

External doctoral candidate

Lena-Marie Mutschler

External doctoral candidate

Elvis Ekwale Agbor

Working title of the dissertation:
forestland Governance and the Politics of Inequality: Power Asymmetric and Related Inequalities in the Globalisation of Community Forestry in Cameroon.

External doctoral candidate

Jisun Min

Working title of the dissertation:
Eine Studie zur Etablierung des koreanischen Pfandsystems für Einweggetränkebecher anhand einer Analyse des Abwicklungsprozesses des deutschen Einwegpfands.

Research Associate

M.A. Nicolas Spohn

Room: G40-312

+49 391 67-56680

Office hours: Dienstag und Mittwoch von 11:00 bis 15:00 Uhr (bitte Voranmeldung per Email)



Katharina Ehrecke

Room: G40-303

+49 391 67-56572

Office hours: by arrangement (on Fridays not in the office)

Former team members

Research Associate Project "Erfolg Klima Go!"

Dr. Iris Reus

Research Associate

MPP Anna Simstich

Research Associate

M.A. Lars Erik Berker

Research Associate Project SmartProSys

Dr. Katrin Beer

Teaching staff with special tasks

Dr. Roger Stöcker

Dr. Roger Stöcker ist weiter an der OVGU. Er wechselte in die
Lehrerausbildung bei Prof. Pohlenz.

Room: G40-354

+49 391 67-57275

Office hours: nach Vereinbarung (; 0391 6757275

Research Associate

Dr. Melanie Slavici

Research Associate

Ulrike Zeigermann

Teaching staff with special tasks

Markus Kasseckert

Student Assistant

Anton Eickel

Student Assistant project PASS

Milan Takens

Reseach Assistant

Andréa Noel

Student Assistant

Kieu Tieu Bang Nguyen

Research Assistant

Julia Benz

Resarch Assistant

Djamila Jabra

Student Assistant

Thea Goslicki

Last Modification: 02.12.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster